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Monday, May 24, 2010

How will they know you are His disciple?

Do I resemble Christ? Do people see Jesus in me? That is my deepest desire! How about you? Are you a disciple of Christ? I say that I am, but I am sure I do not always resemble Him. Just ask my husband and kids, lol. I am not talking about perfectionism here either. I am talking about the desire to be like Christ. Did you know, as a disciple we are to take on the character of Christ in all areas of our lives?

I just wonder how often we pray to have Christ's character in our everyday lives? I think we try to atleast on Sunday. I mean, we go to church, greet one another with smiles on our faces, hands lifted in worship, maybe sing in the choir or the ensemble. We say a hardy "amen" as the Pastor preaches about loving one another, treat others how you want to be treated. We tear up when we hear of the orphanage in need, or when we hear of the lost people of this world dying.

I guess my question is do we truly want Christ's character in our everyday lives? If we had his character, it would show up Monday-Sunday! What Character traits do you desire more of? Compassion, love, humility, passion for the lost, patience, kindness, gentleness, etc. My daily prayer is that I would be emptied out of self, and filled with the Holy Spirit that I may be used by Him and that others will see Christ in me. Would you pray that for me and if you desire the same kind of character, let me know and I will pray for you! If we have His character,the world will KNOW we are His disciples! Amen!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

She Touched His Hem, He Touched Her Soul


I have been waiting for Him to enter our town. I heard of the miracles; turning water to wine, healing the paralytic, driving out demons, and bringing the dead back to life! I have not seen the miracles or this Jesus; however the ones who have speak of Him with such amazement. Their eyes brightly shining like emeralds in sunlight as they shared their stories about Him. They inspired me to see this Jesus for myself.

“Could this be my chance for healing? Is it silly for me to believe this Teacher, Prophet, Healer may be my only hope?” The Doctors have given up hope in finding a cure for my rare blood disease and I have no more money for another doctor.” I thought.

As Jesus passed through town, the people were desperate to be near Him. The crowd was becoming out of control. They started to close in on Him as if to crush Him. I knew this would be my only chance. I am so weak but I have to squeeze my way through the multitude so I can get close to Him. I caught a glimpse of Him through a small opening in the crowd. Suddenly a strength I had not known for twelve years came over me. “I must get through. If I can just touch Him, I know He can heal me!I have never spoken like this before. Is this faith I have within me? I believe He can heal me! I know if I just touch Him, He can heal me if He chooses," my mind raced with excitement.

With determination to touch Him, I reached through the sea of people as I was about to touch Him, I fell but I managed to touch the hem of His garment as He passed by. I felt a surge of energy rush through my body as His cloak brushed my feeble hand. Instantly the bleeding stopped! As I lay on the road, no one noticed me, I heard Jesus speaking to His followers. “Who just touched Me?” “There are people all around you, many are touching you,” said Peter. “This was different, I felt power leave me.” Jesus replied.

“I am the one who touched You, Lord,” I said trembling in awe at what just took place. As I was speaking, He grabbed my hands and helped me to my feet. I told Him the whole story. For the first time in years, I felt heard...As He lifted my chin with His strong, warm, calloused hands and looking into my eyes ever so tenderly He said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace with no more suffering.”

As others were desperate to have His full attention, He smiled at me with the most endearing smile and went on His way. My mission was to touch Him but in return, He touched me. He touched my very soul! My strength has been restored and now I must tell others what He has done for me. My Savior, my Healer, my Redeemer has come!

When we read this familiar story from a new perspective, I pray we are reminded of our first encounter with Jesus, when He touched our very soul and healed our “blood disorder”. One aspect of this story that I absolutely love, is that Jesus did not allow this woman to go unnoticed. He knew who touched Him, for He is God. He just wanted her to not be ashamed. He wanted her to proclaim the healing, so that others would know Him. If you have encountered Jesus and He has healed you, set you free from your sin, you are to proclaim that Healing to the world watching! If you have not had this encounter, start out on your mission to touch Him. He is waiting to touch your soul right where you are. Just call on Him and He will answer.

Sweet Jesus, because of your great sacrifice on the cross we no longer have a “blood disorder”! Thank you! Help us to come out of the shadows of the crowd and share your grace and healing with those around us. May we be found faithful until we see You face to face, fully clothed in Your righteousness. In Jesus Name, Amen

Mark 5:25-34

“And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better, she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched me?” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”