Why, O why do we go astray from the One who's blood washed our sins away?
Why, O why do we turn away from the One who's love will never fade?
Why, O why do we run away from the One who died for all to be saved?
Why, O why do we go astray?
The Lord laid this on my heart this morning and as I was saying it out loud, I thought about the love He freely gives. The unconditional love that we set out to find in the world, yet come up empty handed each time. We look for that special love in a special someone, so that the longing can be satisfied, only to find ourselves disappointed time and time again.
Why? Because there is only ONE that can satisfy this desire. He created us to LOVE Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. However, when we buy into the lie, that a human can fulfill the longings of our heart, we end up hurt. We end up on a path to destruction. We end up settling, yet longing for TRUE LOVE.
Our True Love is Jesus! He is the ONLY One who will show unconditional love to us! He is the ONLY One that will fulfill all our hearts desires, through having a relationship with Him!
The One who deserves all our devotion and love is Jesus!
Why, O why do I go astray? Jesus help me to never stray away, Amen!
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
You are a walking "BILLBOARD"

Just the other day I was chatting with a friend who was very upset because she heard that atheist were going to put up billboards along some highways. "They are going to get people to say God doesn't exist. Atheist don't want people to believe in God," she said frantically. "What can I do to stop it?" she asked.
I simply said," We are not fighting flesh and blood. This is spiritual warfare and we have to fight with His Tools. Prayer is our #1 tool! We need to pray that people will not even pay attention to the billboards."
As I went to bed, I started praising God for His many blessings. I prayed about the billboard situation and then fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up with this thought, "We are to be God's walking "billboards". So, what is a billboard or I should say what is the purpose of a Billboard? Dictionary.com says:
as a verb (used with object)
"to place, advertise, proclaim, etc., on or as if on a billboard"
According to the dictionary, it is something that proclaims or testifies....
As I was driving to work, I felt the Lord speak to me saying,"Look at the trees, they are pointing up to Me. When you look at the stars at night, they also point up to Me. Just look around, I have placed "billboards" all over the universe to proclaim I AM GOD! I created all living things for the purpose of praise, and praise is a testimony of who I AM. It's to be vertical, UPWARD, between Myself and My creation for the purpose of drawing people to Me."
I am in awe of God and the way he speaks to my heart! He has designed this whole universe to draw people to Himself. Daily He proclaims or advertises, "I AM GOD", and His children's responsibility is to proclaim He is our Lord! I am to live my life as a walking "billboard" for Jesus!
What is your "billboard" testifying or proclaiming??
1 Chronicles 16:8
"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done."
Psalm 97:6
"The heavens proclaim his righteousness; every nation sees His glory."
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