Look up, people! If we would just look up and see the world around us...God's creation cries out, people made in His image are searching for hope. We can be the vessel that He chooses to use if we'd just look up!
There's the nudge, you try ignore it but The Holy Spirit inside you is calling you to obey your Father. Have you felt this nudge where your heart starts racing, butterflies take over your stomach because God is calling you to reach out to a stranger? You seem to argue with God saying, "Not me God and not now..."? I have to share my son's story and I pray it will encourage you to stop arguing with God and start obeying His nudges.
Stephone took his sister, Keanna, to the mall for a job interview and decided to sit at a table in the food court until she was finished. He started to write a post for his online personal training business (No Limits Training) when out of the corner of his eye he saw a man using a walker approach the table next to him. It was obvious he experienced a hard life by his appearance, wearing a frown to display his disappointments. Stephone looked up and smiled. Carefully making his way to sit in the chair across from him, he looked at Stephone and asked,"Do you speak Arabic?"
Stephone smiled, "Excuse me?"
"Do you speak Arabic?"
The Holy Spirit nudged Stephone to put his phone away and sit down at the table with the man.
"No, I don't speak Arabic. Why do you ask?
To Stephone's surprise he replied. "I want to talk to God."
"Why do you want to talk to God?"
"Because I want to die and go to heaven."
"Why do you want to die?"
With sadness and no hope in his voice he said, "I have no purpose for living. Look at me. I can't walk good, my eyes are bad, my hearing is bad and my smell is bad."
Stephone listened and chatted with this man of Muslim religion for about 20 minutes or so. Talking to him about his Christian faith and the man's religion. Stephone told me that he never felt the need to convince this man to believe in Jesus that God just told him to spend time conversing and sharing God's love for him.
As they finished up their talk Stephone said, "I'm going to pray for you."
With a look of surprise the man replied, "Why would you pray for me?"
Stephone smiled and said, "Because I want to."
"I'd appreciate that."
As time has passed since this divine appointment God has reminded me that His Holy Spirit nudges and it's our job to obey. You never know how you can change the direction of someone's life. Stephone was used by God to give this man hope! He came to the mall in despair but left hopeful! I don't know about you, but I want to be the vessel God uses to bring His hope to people! If we would just look up when the nudge comes...
God Bless and may we all be empty of self, filled with the Holy Spirit and obedient to His nudging!