Galatians 4:6 "And because you are sons/daughters, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying,"Abba Father!"
Can you remember the last time you cried out to your Abba Father? Maybe you never have or maybe it happened so long ago, you can't remember when it was.
The phrase,"Abba Father", shows a deep emotional connection with God, through Jesus Christ. Our Abba Father, adopted us through Christ's suffering and ultimate death, when we, by faith, believed in Him. At that appointed time, God sent His Spirit into our hearts and we were able to cry out,"Abba Father!"
In Mark 14:36 Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, on His face weeping before His Father. He cried out,"Abba Father! All things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not what I will but what you will."
I love that God wants to show His children a simple yet profound truth....Jesus, God's flesh and blood, went to His Abba in agony, asking for the cup of His suffering to be taken from Him. Yet His Abba Daddy knew that taking the cup from Jesus was not the best answer. Why? Jesus had to be the sacrifice made once and for ALL, so that we could be adopted into His family and become Heirs of Heaven. We are His children!
Jesus asked His Abba what His flesh desired. Then He said,"not what I will but what you will."
He accepted His Father's will even though His flesh wanted to give up. This tells me, even when my flesh is weak and wants to give up, I need to cry out to my Abba Daddy and ask for His will to be done, not my will.
Often times, as Christians, we let the lies from our enemy drag us down. I mean we will pray and ask specifically for something and when we don't get the answer we were looking for, we take it out on God. Some will even turn their backs on Him all together.
I believe the Spirit of God is teaching us to be as Christ. Out of obedience Christ followed His Abba Father's will, and VICTORY over death came! When we obey the will of our Abba, VICTORY is at hand! Amen!
So what is the Spirit of God saying to you? Maybe you have never cried out,"Abba Father!" out of fear of rejection. His Spirit is saying,"Forget the lies of the enemy! God will never reject the humble!"
Humble yourselves before your Abba Daddy, and let His love fill you with the peace of knowing, you belong to Him. You are His child, the apple of His eye! Nothing and no one can take that away from you!
His arms are wide open, waiting patiently for you to cry out,"ABBA FATHER, I need You!"
May your CHRISTmas be filled with His presence! AND may we Bless His Name this SEASON!
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