Matthew 11:20 "Then Jesus began to denounce the towns where he had done so many of his miracles, because they hadn’t repented of their sins and turned to God."
Matthew 11:28-30 NLT "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
At the start of Matthew 11, John the Baptist, who was sent before Christ to announce His coming to the world was put in prison, Jesus was performing miracles and the Gospel was being proclaimed throughout the region of Galilee.
The people who lived during the time of Christ, actually saw the miracles being performed! Can you imagine being an eye witness to His majesty? The Messiah in their midst and guess what? They didn't believe! They rejected Him, the One and Only Savior! I call this a "yoke of unbelief". They chose to enter the "yoke of unbelief" with satan because of their unrepentant hearts. You did know that not believing is sin, right?
Let me ask this...How many of us have experienced the miracles of Christ in our own lives and yet decide to not believe? I am convinced this "yoke of unbelief" is from satan himself. In that case,satan's yoke is going to be hard and heavy! Why?
The yoke is hard and heavy because satan is the one on the other side of the yoke with you...Because of God's truth, I see satan as weak and puny, therefore he has to use others to help him carry the "yoke of unbelief". Can you visualize powerless old satan trying to lift a heavy load of any kind? I laugh thinking about it. Now picture yourself in a yoke with scrawny satan....who is carrying most of the load? You are! That is why it's hard and heavy, you ain't got no help!
Now visualize the "Yoke of belief" if you will...Jesus on one side and you on the other. Jesus is strong and can hold the yoke all by himself. He doesn't need your help. What He wants is a partner. Think about it, Jesus and you walking side by side. You are not ahead of Him or behind Him, but right with Him in a yoke He made specifically for you. It fits like a glove when Jesus is in it with you.
My challenge to all God's children, is that when you start to doubt God is able, when that little voice tells you not to believe, visualize Jesus' yoke upon you...better yet visualize that scrawny, weakling, satan telling you not to believe. Then verbalize your belief in Jesus and tell satan to get lost! He is just wanting you to do his dirty work, so don't fall for it!
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