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Friday, May 4, 2012

Are You Following The Shepherd's Voice?

John 10:3b-5 "He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. When He has brought them outside,He goes ahead of them. The sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice. They will never follow a stranger; instead they will run away from him because they do not recognize the voice of strangers."

John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me."

We live in a day and age where everything/everyone is fighting for our attention. Some are "screaming" for it, or "flashing neon lights"...We have our own minds to battle with daily and our thoughts are often the loudest and our biggest competitor. You know what I love about Jesus; His patience for His own! He simply speaks and will keep on speaking with His still, small voice until we recognize the One speaking and we listen then follow Him. He doesn't have to do cartwheels, throw us a party, or use a bull horn to get our attention, He simply speaks as John 10:27 says, "My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me".

If we are putting Him first in ALL we do, we will hear His voice over all the "noise pollution" in our air waves. We will follow Him no matter the cost, because He is the Good Shepherd! As the Good Shepherd, He will keep us safe and guide us to find "pastures of rest and peace".

I wish to reiterate John 10:3b "He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out." In order for Jesus to lead you out, you have to first recognize His voice and say "yes" to following Him. Have you done that? Have you heard Him call your name, and your response was, "Not today Jesus, I still wanna live my own life, my own way, after all you only live once."

Or have you found yourself lately wondering who was speaking to you? Have you found yourself, hearing from God, and then another unfamiliar voice rears its ugly head? If this is you, which most Christians go through this from time to time, then STOP:
S= Silence yourself before God
T= Take time to praise Him for who He is and all He has done
O= Open your heart to Him so He can speak to you
P= Prove faithful to your Shepherd and follow Him

He knows your name, He is calling you to follow Him. Are you following your Shepherd's voice?

Father God, You are the Good Shepherd, our Wonderful Counselor, our Great Provider, our Savior, You deserve all praise, honor and glory for ALL You have done and continue to do! May we open our hearts to hear from You. Speak to us, give us direction and may we prove ourselves faithful by following our Shepherd's familiar voice! In Jesus'Name, AMEN AND AMEN!

Following my Shepherd's voice,


  1. Amen!!! Boy did I need this confirmation! God is calling us to something SO much bigger than ourselves - we have heard his voice and are trying to NOT let fear keep us from doing what we feel we are being called to do. Please pray that God would be in control of what we will be walking through. Love you girl!

    1. You got it! We are in the same boat! Gotta step out even when those in the boat think you are crazy(Peter walked on water while the others stayed) We are moving back to St. Louis because we heard the Lord! This is a huge leap of faith because Jameson does not have a teaching job yet, but we are going for minsitry..pray for us too! LOVE YOU!!!
