There once was a middle-aged man who was a professed atheist. He often would say, "If there is a god then why hasn't it been proven by science? If I had the proof or a sign, then I'd believe he exists."
The atheist then took in a deep breath of fresh crisp air and exhaled. The first sign...
The atheist then took in a deep breath of fresh crisp air and exhaled. The first sign...
He looked around waiting, wondering what could a god show him that would cause him to believe?
God sent a strong wind that blew his toupee right off his head. Embarassed, he quickly grabbed his toupee, slapped it back on his head so that no one could see his balding head. Ignoring the sign..
Then God sent a Cardinal bird that ended his flight on the tree branch in front of him. Still the atheist was not 'seeing' the sign...
As time had lapsed God commanded the day to end as the earth rotated the precise degree so the sun could rest and the moon could light the night sky. The atheist went to bed, disappointed he didn't see any signs. He said to himself, "All this hype about a god no one can prove exist. I knew I was right, there is no god."
Then God sent a Cardinal bird that ended his flight on the tree branch in front of him. Still the atheist was not 'seeing' the sign...
As time had lapsed God commanded the day to end as the earth rotated the precise degree so the sun could rest and the moon could light the night sky. The atheist went to bed, disappointed he didn't see any signs. He said to himself, "All this hype about a god no one can prove exist. I knew I was right, there is no god."
The next day, not only did God command the sun to return to it's position and the moon to rest, but He gave the man the ability to rise up out of bed and start the day. The man looked in the mirror and saw God's creation staring at him and took all the credit for his handsome demeanor and brilliant mind. Another sign...
He went about his ordinary day eating, drinking, working, and tweeting. He came across a tweet that said, "Father #God, thank You for sending #Jesus to die on the cross for me! Now when You look at me, You see His blood instead of my D.N.A." He replied in disgust, "You are thankful for death? What's wrong with you?" Yet another sign ignored...
Another tweet, "God's creation reveals Him and He sees to it that every person will know about Him. The choice is yours."
The atheist replied,"Have you ever met God? Then you can't prove he is real."
Tweet reply, "I see Him in all creation. You have to see something to believe it's real? Have you ever seen oxygen?" He replied in disbelief, "You're deluded. There is no god!"
Tweet reply, "God is real, Jesus died for you so you can have a relationship with Him. If you don't believe that is between you and God."
The atheist couldn't believe how foolish the Christian was. Ignoring another sign...
He got in his car and drove home from work. When he pulled into his driveway and turned off the car, he felt a pain in his chest. As he struggled to get out of his car, he dropped dead at the young age of 58...
His soul immediately left his body and was present before the Lord. His soul cried out, "Jesus forgive me for my unbelief." Jesus answered the atheist, "You were given many signs yet you still chose to ignore Me. You not only believed lies but you helped spread those lies about Me and tried convincing My children that I am not real. My justice is true and My word is sure. It is appointed to man to die and now your sentence. You chose not to spend your earthly life with me and now your eternal life will be spent separate from Me in the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 22:12-13). Depart from Me, I never knew you.(Matthew 25:41)". And the angels escorted him to his eternal destination...
I wrote this blog to say to the skeptic, stop looking for scientific proof and start seeing the signs that are before you. God is real. There is only One God and only One Way to Him and that is through faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. He is constantly pursuing you, daily giving you "signs" that you dismiss as the ordinary. Every thing in nature, every new life that is birthed, every storm, every good and perfect gift is from God. The evil you see that causes you to doubt there is a good God is from Satan. He is as real as God. Satan is the one who causes the chaos and tempts people to do evil. He has an army trying to keep you away from God and the Truth that will set you free once you believe that Jesus is Savior. It's a free gift. It's yours for the taking. Are you willing to surrender your life to Him so that you will have eternal life in Heaven with Him? It's your decision.
None of us know what tomorrow will bring so before it's too late for you, do you believe God is real and His love for you demanded a Perfect sacrifice. John 3:16 says, "For God loved the world so much, He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
Praying for someone to read this and believe. If that's you would you let me know and I will rejoice with the angels and pray for you to learn more about our Lord!
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